Mariah's Virtual Bookstore

Monday, August 29, 2011

"'Only joking "

Irene killed at least 21 people and cut power to 5 million homes and businesses along its path up the eastern seaboard from North Carolina. Vermont was battling the state's worst flooding since 1927 after Irene swept through as a tropical storm late on Sunday.
"I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?"' Bachmann said at a campaign event in Sarasota, Florida on Sunday.

 Story: Vt. sees 'full-blown flooding catastrophe' from Irene 
I am no against any one running for a political office, but I am against anyone running for a political office and making a mockery of American lost lives, tragedy, catastrophic events in the name of God.
If You Have Nothing Nice to Say, Say Nothing At All.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Many who have faith seem to have no peace of mind.  They worry themselves sick.  They refuse to take risks for fear of loss, all the while saying they have strong faith.  I learned the missing piece…A person of faith can’t find peace of mind unless that person also has trust.
Faith is not enough if trust is missing.  Peace of mind is available…Peace of mind is free…Peace of mind awaits us all.
Trust is so much deeper than faith. Faith is praying to be shown the answers.  Trust is knowing that the answers are within
you.  Trust & peace of mind are in alignment.
Trust allows you to get out of your comfort zone, take risks & do your true soul work.
Live life by divine design, not by default.  Let yourself trust that everything will be all right. Trust that there is a plan at work.
Everyone has the ability to feel peace of mind just as everyone has some level of intuitive abilities.   The major impediment to both.  Being busy we get so consumed by making a living and worrying about the future that we forget to live in the present.
The present moment is where intuition flourishes & peace of mind bathes our souls, reminding us that the body is just a shell.  We are so much more than just our shell.  We are soul selves.
The recipe for peace of mind?  Prayer, meditation & attitude of gratitude.  Focus on the present to hear that still, small voice of peace & insight — Your soul self speaks!
Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace.  ~Author Unknown. Our past is like a footprint.  It only confirms we were there.  No burden on our future does it bear.  Bring the rain, clear the pane of clutter.  ~Jeb Dickerson,